
Review: A Darker Shade of Evil

A Darker Shade of EvilA Darker Shade of Evil by Keta Diablo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a read! Absolutely loved getting everyone's perspective on the demons and devils. I really enjoyed Keta Diablo's take of demons - not only demons on the loose but also the internal demons we all must bear.

I think that the steam that came off Cecily’s and Marcel could burn you to your soul. She knows (with the deep-down bond that twins have) that something was off about how her brother Calder died, but no one would give her any information. It was up to her and she took the initiative to figure it out. She definitely wasn't expecting the answers that she got. I love how this story gripped me from the first page and kept me paging through to the end.

Thanks for a great read, not only from Keta but from all the authors, good job.

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Review: Cradle of Dreams

Cradle of DreamsCradle of Dreams by Keta Diablo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kendra's life is about to change unexpectedly and only the cat knows how. :)

Everybody thinks he's dead, but when he walks through the door and takes Kendrick by the arm, everything changes. Roane can't stand to know that his beloved Kendrick is betrothed to another. He is all set to punish her for ever thinking of another man but punishment is all thrown to the wind when things heat up.

I loved this book, it was short, sweet, and hot til the end. I can't wait to see what book 2 has to offer. Yum. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy.

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