
Review: Wildly Human by Christina Barnes

Title: Wildly Human

Author: Christina Barnes


Publisher's Insight:
You have a story. It's uniquely yours. It's full of challenges, beliefs, loves, fears, successes and failures, among other things. There is no wrong story. At the present time, at the end of it, it says;
(to be continued...) today. Are you the writer or do you feel more like the reader of your story? 
This is a collection of unlikely messengers bringing you 19 concepts about life, designed to awaken the writer within you. Your thoughts are your pen and paper.
The purpose is to encourage you to connect the dots of your own story. And to love your story no matter how crazy or dysfunctional it seems. It's what makes you so wildly human. Ultimately, you'll want to rise up like a mama bear in how you love yourself, and who and what you allow into your life. As long as you're on this earth, it's never too late to write a happy ending for yourself.



I enjoy a good book with positive anecdotes, and lessons that put us on the right track, but this time the book fell flat for me.

I've analyzed my feelings on this book until I've turned blue in the face, and have procrastinated until I felt that I couldn't any longer. So here I am, moving along and trying to get my feelings out about this book without sounding contrary or trite.

First, let's start with the positive aspects of the book. Ms. Barnes illustrated this book beautifully and quite uniquely. I'd love to have the talent she has.

And, I found that it was very easy to grasp the, "And the moral of the story is..." point in each story.

Now onto the less than exciting feelings that I had for this book.

This book is designed as a book to help women exclusively, which in and of itself is not a bad thing. The problem for me is that I felt as if the author sat down and thought of every negative stereotype  about the female gender and wrote a concise story about how we're wrong and how to make it better. It felt preachy and somewhat degrading.

My next issue with the book was the fact that each story was very simplistic in nature and felt more like story time at the library than a book of empowering anecdotes.

And as I wrap up my thoughts on this book I'll tell you why the book confused me. And this one was a biggie for me, almost a sense of false advertising if you will. On the back cover of the book it states:

Are you the writer or do you feel more like the reader of your story?This is a collection of unlikely messengers bringing you 19 concepts to awaken the writing within you. Your thoughts are your pen and paper.

Perhaps Ms. Barnes was using a metaphor here, and I'm sure she was, but it fell flat with me. I thought I understood the book (from the description from the publicity agent - who ultimately got the info from the author) to be for a writer. So perhaps this was MY folly, and I hope you will take that into consideration as you read this review.

I do want to disclose that I didn't finish reading the book. Mostly because I felt preached at, and partially because the book made me feel sad that someone would see so many faults in a woman's character. I want to be uplifted in a book, not ride 19 waves of emotion in a book with each short story.

Perhaps the stories would have been better suited for submission to a women's magazine where the point would have been seen as a shining example of what a woman can overcome, rather than an example of where womanhood has gon awry.

I received this product for free/at a discount in exchange for an honest review, but all opinions are my own. Most books are donated to the local library for circulation, or donation to the Friends of the Library.

Excerpt: Natalie's Getting Married by Rosa Temple

October 1990
Some girls dream of the perfect wedding. I was never really one of those girls. I'd set my sights on a career in media. I worked hard at school, achieved good grades and decided to go to university. I'd had boyfriends up until then, the first serious one was when I was sixteen, but the idea of marriage never once crossed my mind. I'd never been in love, yet my girlfriends fell in and out of it so easily, you'd think they were exchanging one pair of must have shoes for another.
They'd all either been swept off their feet, or claimed to have met “the one”, or bored everyone senseless by walking around love struck and starry eyed. But not me. I had plans and I wasn't going to let a little thing like never having fallen in love stop me.
So, off I went to university and that's where I met Jackson Humphries.
It was Fresher's Week on the day I first saw him. He was so cool and self-assured I never would have guessed that, like me, he was a Fresher too. He was out in the quadrant where new students were signing up for various clubs and societies. He was wearing a navy polo shirt, a pair of jeans and had his bag slung across his shoulder. He wasn't very tall for a guy but he had a perfect body; dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. And that day, I fell in love.
Little did I know it would take two years for Jackson to notice me and that he'd surprise me with a wedding proposal on graduation day.
I stood gazing at Jackson from the far side of the quadrant, doing that thing I do with my curls, twiddling the ones that fall to my shoulders. In my misty-eyed state, I signed up for the Poetry Society. I didn't mean to. I was staring so hard at Jackson I hadn't realised I'd joined a queue of poetry lovers.
'Thanks,' the Poetry Society girl said to me. 'Our first meeting is next Friday. It's just a welcome night. You won't need to bring your poems. We probably won't read until the next time.'

'Fine,' I said, collecting a Poetry Society Handbook and tucking it into my bag, all the time keeping my eyes on Jackson. He seemed to know everyone; he was relaxed and chatty. But, as I followed Jackson's every move around the quadrant, I almost joined the Rowing Club. Finally coming to my senses, I moved well away from the society reps.

Sounds like a wonderful book doesn't it? I can't wait to read more! I love when a good book ends up on my TBR pile. Though I will admit that I'm afraid it's going to fall on me in the night and suffocate me; but what a way to go. :)
Here's a little more information on the author:
Rosa Temple began writing romantic comedies and chick lit because of her passion for what she calls the 'early chick lit films', like: Sabrina, Barefoot In the Park and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She honed her skills as a ghost writer, gaining experience writing romantic novellas, both sweet and on the slightly steamy side. In her notebooks, she constantly jotted down story ideas of her own and she eventually completed her first novella Sleeping With Your Best Friend and now, the full length novel, Natalie's Getting Married.
Rosa Temple is a Londoner and is married with two sons. She is a reluctant keep fit fanatic and doer of housework and insists that writing keeps her away from such strenuous tasks. She spends her days creating characters and story lines while drinking herbal tea and eating chocolate biscuits.
To find out more about Rosa and to catch up on all her musings please join her here on Rosa Temple Writes...

And again for your book winning delights is a Rafflecopter giveaway hosted by the wonderful Ama and Bemma! Make sure to enter before the giveaway ends, you don't want to miss it. And if you're interested in following the posts in this wonderful blog hop, head over to this POST to read more.


Guest Post: Christine Church

I'm enjoying my time with wonderful authors this week, and today I bring you Christine Church. Make sure to read all the way to the bottom so that you can enter the giveaway! Make sure you keep up with the blog posts in our wonderful tour by Ama and Bemma http://amabemma.blogspot.com/2016/01/new-year-new-books-2016-first-tour-stop.html


Hi. My name is Christine Church. I write paranormal, fantasy and time travel romance. I also write nonfiction books and articles about the care of cats and
horse related topics.

The funny (funny strange, not funny ha ha) thing about my new novella, “Sands of Time Fate of the True Vampires” is that it is the only book I ever wrote that is not romance.  Although, the original novel was romance… And that is where we come to my mad method behind this small novella, which is basically an “Intro” book to what will be a full out series that will grow with each book.

How I got into vampires:
I wasn’t born loving vampires. Quite the contrary. I hated them. I feared them. When I was around 8 years old, I saw an old black and white Dracula movie (I honestly today can’t tell you which one it was). Oh, all that black and white blood! I had nightmares for years! Every time I heard the word vampire I cringed and ran away. I couldn’t watch any horror movie with my eyes open, and even then, forget it. The music alone gave me nightmares. At around 10 years old, I went with my childhood best friend and our parents to see a new horror movie, Race with the Devil (later on in life, one of the actresses from that movie, Loretta Switt, would call me and help me with my first novel, but that’s a whole other tale).

A year later, I went with my family to see another new horror movie, The Omen. Back then, you could be 11 years old and see horror movies. Once again, I had nightmares for months afterwards, even though my eyes were closed through most of the movie (it wouldn’t be until I was well into my 30’s before I saw that movie all the way through, eyes open, and it was so tame!).

Now that I think about it, for someone scared to death of horror movies, I saw an awful lot of them at a very young age! Not only because it was like doing something “adult” and getting away with it, but I think I was trying to conquer my fear of these scary and at times gory flicks (which started with Dracula). It didn’t work. The fears, the nightmares continued well into my adulthood.

Most of the novels I read back then were historical, such as Sho-Gun, Spring Moon, and others mostly set in Asia (I was heavily into martial arts). I also loved time travels. In school, I always failed history because all they taught us was about wars, blood and death (more nightmares). But these books took me into different worlds.

I always had a thing for the gothic (to the point I wore black make up, nail polish, etc. in school, which did not help keep me from being bullied. It was not in yet). I loved old spooky mansions, Victorian gothic architecture, etc. That love grew as I got older. I found a deep love for movies in particular set during 18th century Britain. The clothes, the hair (particularly long hair on men), the architecture. It sung to me.

Since I was born with a mental disability (that was not diagnosed until 2004), I couldn’t work a “regular” job, though I tried and tried—and failed. And so, I decided since I couldn’t buy my gorgeous Victorian mansion, I would build one. Well, a dollhouse one anyway. I lived in the basement and would sit on the end of my waterbed frame with the big table in front of me that held the foundation for what would become a four foot tall by four foot wide Gingerbread Victorian home with 10 rooms and electricity. I had the television on as I built (the table and dollhouse was between me and my TV). (Fig 1)

 Figure 1  You can see the TV beyond... through the windows.

One day, after I had the entire frame built and was working on the interior walls, I heard a commercial come on TV. Through one of the mansion’s many windows I caught a glimpse of a hot guy in 18th century garb. I didn’t see much of what turned out to be a movie trailer, but the next time it came on, I was prepared to peer through my mansion windows and watch the whole thing. I was smitten. Not only with the men, the hair, but the gothic style, the clothes, the sex appeal! This was a movie I HAD to see! There was only one major problem. It was about vampires! It didn’t matter. My libido wouldn’t let me out of this one (at 29, that mattered, a lot).

Finished House, outside (top) and in the living room (above).

The first time I saw “Interview with the Vampire,” was with a friend. I was so enthralled, I walked out of the theatre in a daze. From there, I became obsessed. I made my own capes and 18th century sexy gowns. I saw that movie 11 times in the theatre. One of those times, at a very small theatre, I was dressed in my ‘vampire’ garb (I even had the same fangs made with dental impression material, so they looked exactly like the movie fangs and fit perfectly to my teeth), waiting for my friend in the bathroom after the movie. I was standing off to the side, in the small ‘dressing’ area, which was a bit dark. Some ladies came into the bathroom and the door opened in front of me (I was behind it as they entered). The door closed and they saw me standing behind it, long black cloak, long dark hair…and fangs. I am not exaggerating when I say one of the girls screamed. They ran back out of the bathroom (I think after seeing me they no longer had to go). I felt powerful, beautiful, just like the vampires in the movie.

And that was the start of my vampire obsession. (I went to New Orleans in 1995, to Anne Rice’s Memnock Ball).

How this ties into Sands of Time:

I was already writing long before this. As a matter of fact, I started writing fiction at the age of 9.  There were always stories in my head. After reading four of the ‘Vampire Chronicles’ (my intro to Anne Rice, who I still think is the best writer on earth), I decided to try my hand at writing my own vampire novel. It was called “Love’s Timeless Melody” and I actually based it around the song “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler.

That book sat in a desk drawer (I didn’t yet have a computer) until I rewrote it a few years later (on a computer) and eventually renamed it “In Darkness Deceived.”  That novel still exists, and Kesi (main character in “Sands of Time”) was a big character in that novel. Her past was written as letters between her and her father. Something never really sat right with me and several attempts to publish it met with failure. Once again, it sat (this time on a computer file). For years!

In 2014, (about 15 years after I last saw it) I decided to do something with it. I had by this time written many novels, honed the craft, became a professional writer, had 5 books published (nonfiction) traditionally, and eventually received jobs in the writing field. But those darn vampires had my heart gripped tightly in their fangs.

After thinking through it carefully and for weeks, an idea came into my head. Why not give Kesi her own story, take the letters she and her father had exchanged and turn them into diary entries that had been found and dug up by archaeologists?  One thing led to another, and the novella, “Sands of Time Fate of the True Vampires” was born.

I knew Kesi’s entire story when I had originally written “Love’s Timeless Melody” back in the mid ‘90’s, but I had not thought to turn it into its own book. Kesi is the key to everything. I wanted her story out, even though it was not a terribly long story. I wanted people to know how she became who she was by the time the later novel was written.

And so, Sands of Time is an ‘Introduction’ book in a sense, to the rest of what will now be a series that will ultimately lead up to “In Darkness Deceived,” which is written, but not ready to see the light of day yet. So, each character throughout Kesi’s long life will have a book in the series, and Kesi will be there as well. And, who knows… “In Darkness Deceived” may not be the last book in the series. By the time I get there, I am sure everyone in all the books will have a lot more to say!

Here is the blurb:

The new era of vampires has begun, and it starts in the past...

Scrolls. Documents. Journals.

A story evolved.

Kesi’s story. “I lived a secret life, not even shared by my husband to be. As my family was persecuted and forced to leave, I chose to stay behind. My desire above all else was to have a family, to share my bloodline. But, alas, I cannot bear children. However, there is a way. Others succeeded. And so, I tried—and I failed. After my husband’s death, I traveled the world searching for an answer. Many years passed, I met a man named Yin, an alchemist who held the answer to what I sought. But his desires were dark. And he wished to destroy the only children our kind could ever bear. Running was fruitless, for he was never far behind. And so now the time has come—time to stop running and face my enemy.” This book is the first installment in the “Fate of the True Vampires” series.

LINKS: Amazon: http://goo.gl/4MK9Gj

Direct to e­book (Kindle, Nook and PDF): http://goo.gl/uf7ba9


TP Keane Interviews Herself about The Paladins of Naretia - Thanks TP!

Ok, call me lazy...but I've decided to let the author interview herself. :) You have to love when an author will help out with the work. Thanks so much darling! You're wonderful.


To those of you who have been following me as I interview authors and their books, it's now my turn. EEEKK. Yes, with trembling knees and fingernails bitten to the quick, I take my first steps into authordom and ask myself the same questions I posed to them.

Following the brave authors before me, I am releasing my debut novel, The Paladins of Naretia, (book one of the Naretia series), a young adult fantasy novel.

 What is the book about? 

A vision sparks the beginning of treachery and war in the kingdom of Naretia.

The story is told by a nearly three hundred year-old wizard, Olórin, and a seventeen-year-old tyrannical queen, Aria. Olórin knows only one thing for certain: that his adopted son, Aramus, will end all life if things are left the way they are. He must scour the kingdom for otherworldly ingredients to make a potion that will save him. If he cannot, then by his eighteenth birthday Aramus’s father, Dantet, will send his dark army to kill his son and take Aramus’s powers for his own. The evil God will be free to walk upon mortal soil and incinerate all who live there.

Olórin is optimistic, however, that Aramus’s human side will prevail over the rising darkness within him. He also hopes that his love for his son will be enough to steer Aramus away from the darkness. But underhanded deeds by traitors within the wizard caste prevent Olórin from achieving his goal, and Aramus turns before the potion is ready. Olórin is faced with an impossible choice: his son’s life, or all who dwell in the kingdom of Naretia.

What was the inspiration for this book?

I woke up from a dream one night, after having witnessed a strange and dynamic world (which was later to become Nareita) fall into chaos in my dream. In it, I saw the fiery winged figure of a young man with amber eyes. I began to wonder what an ominous, but obviously torn, figure would have to do with the destruction of the world and how it might affect him. So, in truth, the world was created by my unconscious brain and everything else just fell into place after that.

What draws you to this genre? Do you write in any other genre?

I also write in science fiction and I'm working on a book as we speak. Science fiction and fantasy interests me the most because I'm not limited by the bounds of reality. Should I decide that there are three moons in the sky, then there are three moons. I'm only limited by my imagination and that's the kind of freedom I love to write in. Not only that, but I love to figure out the dynamics of the different characters between each other and the strange environment they have been put into. Working out the logistics of the science side of things for Scifi is a bit more daunting, however. But I've never been one to shy away from a challenge.

Can we expect more?

This is just the first book of the Naretia series, of which I'm expecting about 4 in total. Also, the Scifi novel I'm working, Kepler One, on is a trilogy. My love of literature, and strange worlds, won't allow me to stop writing, so, yes, you can expect a lot more. 

Tell me about you and what drew you to writing? Are there any authors who inspired you to become a writer yourself?

In my youth, I was a terrible student, not for the lack of brains but rather for the lack of interest. I remember every parent teacher's meeting, my poor parents would come back exasperated with me because every year it would be the same. "She could be fantastic, if she only tried a little harder." Little did they know that my lack of interest stemmed from a lack of an ability to be able to spell. There is a history of dyslexia in our family, although I'm not sure if I am dyslexic. But I've struggled all my life with reading, writing, directions, and my confidence suffered because of it. I learned to work around my issues and mask them as best I could. The only thing outing me was reading in public, so I avoided that at all costs.

Despite my lack of effort, I never lost my interest in hearing the teacher reading fantastical stories. It was the best part of my day as a child. I would relive those tales at night when I couldn't sleep and I made up my own stories, but never told a soul. It wasn't until I had my own two children that I began to tell the stories bubbling around in my noggin. My confidence grew, and soon I began to write them down (thanks in large part to spellcheck). After writing a couple of books, I finally found my groove and out came The Paladin of Naretia.

I love quirky authors, or books where the worlds ooze imagination. That, of course, is only second to a good story. My favourite authors are, Douglas Adams, JRR Tolkien, Jonathan Stroud, Ransom Riggs, John Green and, of course, JK Rowling.

Other than your own book, what is your favourite novel?

I have so many. My favourite books are the ones that remain with me after I've read them for one reason or another. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Charles Dickens - A Christmas Tale, Mrs. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs, or most recently, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - NK Jemisin.

Have you written other books we should know about?
I have written other books, but this is to be my debut novel.

If you could advise aspiring writers on only one aspect of authordom, what would your advice be?

When you live inside your head as you make sense of your make-believe world, don't forget to come up for air. Inspiration can be found in the world around you, and the biggest characters of all are not on paper. Believe in yourself, and remember, those who love your work will keep it in their hearts much longer than those who don't.

Where can we find your books?

My book has yet to be published. The release date for it is Feb 28th 2016. But you can join me at the release party and enter a chance to win a fab prize, on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Such a sweetie!
Where can we find out more about you?

I'm all over social media, most of my links can be found on my website

Twitter @tpkeaneauthor


Author Interview: Brianna Michaels author of Passion - Sins of the Sidhe - Book 3

I'm a part of a wonderful blog tour hosted by the one and only Ama and Bemma. So, while I'm reading great books to review for you, here's some new author's to meet. Let's give Brianna a warm welcome!

What inspired you to write your first book?
I’ve had a figure in my head for several years. When I close my eyes, he just sits there on the ground, one knee up, back against a brick wall, and he stares at me. His name: Adam.
It took me so long to figure out what on earth I was to do with him, until one day my husband and I were driving home from dinner and I just blurted out, “I want to write a book!” He looked at me like I had six heads and said, “Okay.” I went home that night and started writing. Adam was pleased.

How do you develop your plots and characters? 
My characters come to me in a rush. I literally just close my eyes and take it all in. Within minutes, I know all about them – their mannerisms, the way they talk, their history, favorite foods, where they live, what they fear – they tell me everything.

As for the plots… well, fortunately, they aren’t too difficult to figure out. My characters are so strong willed, they come at me with their problems or desires and we sit together and try to figure out how to make it all come together. It’s a team effort.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
There are several messages in each of my books – whether it is heartfelt, a wee bit of advice that I’ve learned the hard way in life, or food for thought. But there is one recurring theme in each book I write: Everything. Happens. For. A. Reason.

My stories are woven together intricately. There is a reason my characters are the way they are and why things happens they way they do. The good, bad and the ugly all have a purpose. You can’t take anything for granted in my books, just like you shouldn’t take anything for granted in life.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
I have to pick JUST ONE?! So unfair. I can’t do that. Instead, I’ll say that I love the fact that one of my favorite authors brings you into a place that feels like home and the brothers feel like part of your family. So many readers connect with her over-the-top men and their “shellans” and I find myself thinking, “What-the-what-what?” when I have to admit to myself that they don’t really exist. And yeah, I’ve geeked out plenty of times with her books – I even made Rehv’s roast beef before (followed his instructions to the T) and I smile at a bag tootsie pops. (Any guesses who I’m talking about?)

Who designed the covers?
My husband! He’s a genius in how he takes the fragmented thoughts from my head and, in no time at all, he presents me with the very vision I’ve conjured up. I swear the man is a mind reader. And a Wizard.

A good villain is hard to write. How did you get in touch with your inner villain(s) to write this book. Was there a real-life inspiration for him/her/it?
Well, take this as you will, but villains and I get along like peanut butter and jelly. I think more like a bad guy most days (*does the evil laugh*) and I’m good at causing trouble; it’s a talent that has taken years of practice. The hard part is when my thoughts go wayyyyy beyond the average bad guy ideas and I start to freak myself out. Then, in my head, I think to the villain, “Geez-oh-wiz, dude! That’s crazy stuff right there, you sure you want to do that?” For which the answer is always “Yes.”

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
In PASSION, my favorite part to write was the first kiss. I know, I know, I’m a sap like that. But in all fairness, I had to write it carefully because of the nature of the two people involved. It was precious… and steamy… and… well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out more.

What was the hardest part of writing this book? 
There was a lot of pressure riding on this book. Ruark is complicated, stubborn, and always afraid of what he might do to those around him. Ruark’s past isn’t pretty so it was hard to write about some of the things he’s been through. Because his story was a devastating one, it made his journey and final destination phenomenal to me. He deserved the best I could give him. Here’s hoping I accomplished that.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
Um, all of it! Watching Ruark’s story unfold was a thing of beauty. I think a lot of people could learn from him. (I won’t say more because it spoils wayyyyy too much!)
PASSION was in the making from day one of this series, and I always knew it would be the third book, so it was really hard to not jump the gun with certain parts. I’m not the best with having patience - even with myself.  Thankfully, Ruark isn’t like that. He didn’t say a word to me while I wrote Shatter and Shine (books 1 and 2). Nope, not my silent and deadly man of the hour. Instead, he just waited in the shadows for me to get to him. When it was all said and done, and PASSION was finally finished, he simply smiled and said, “Thank ye, Bri.”

What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
My main goal is to have the readers feel like they are part of the story, too. I always want you swept up in the moments – both the good and the bad. I want you to FEEL, not just read. When someone’s upset, I want your cheeks to burn. When something romantic happens, I want your heart to skip a beat. When something dangerous is about to go down, I want you to look around for a weapon within reach.

I’ve had several folks tell me they felt as if they were actually in the scene while reading certain chapters and how nervous they got or that they screamed at their e-readers. One woman told me that when she finished reading my first book, she went and made the soup I’d mentioned in one of the chapters because she developed a craving for it.

Total. Awesomeness.

Another big goal I had with PASSION was to assign some of my characters a position on the playing board. Their roles couldn’t just be given to them. Hell no. They had to earn it. Ruark is an incredibly special person whose story needed to be crafted carefully in order for him to reach his true destiny. He couldn’t reach it alone. The same goes for a few of the other characters, too. I think I achieved that with this story and I hope my readers will agree.

What do you think most characterizes your writing?
Dark with a bit of humor. I embrace my dark side with passion (pun intended), so the “darkness” is always present in my stories; but I’m too much of a goofball to not have some funny things come through in my writing. My favorite part in any book is when you get to that heavy, heated moment where everything is about to go sideways and all of a sudden someone pipes up and says something hilarious and totally off the wall and it makes you laugh out loud. Maturity is overrated sometimes, ya know?

What are some day jobs that you have held?  If any of them impacted your writing, share an example.
I was an event planner for a long time. My Fae love a good party and a huge spread of food. Catering and party planning took care of those scenes and also added an extra bump in personality traits for a few characters.

Now-a-days, I teach art classes for children ages 4-10 with a friend of mine. We tell our students that there are NO MISTAKES IN ART! It’s your own creation. Not everyone will like it and that’s okay - as long as you love it, that’s the most important part!

That, my friends, is something I say to myself on a daily basis. What I write might not be everyone’s cup of tea. That’s okay. I love it. I feel great after I’ve written it. Of course I feel scared to death of the rejection and ridicule we all face as authors, but that just comes with the writing package. At the end of the day, I still smile at the words I’ve written and I cross my fingers and toes that I’m not the only one that likes it. But success, for me, is when happiness shines brightly in my life. My stories are my creation. It’s my art. And it’s super bright and shiny.

How did you get to be where you are in your life today?
By not poo-pooing an idea – no matter how harebrained it might be. Crazy ideas pop up all the time and people rarely jump on them because they’re afraid of failure.

Oh, by the way, did I mention my husband and I raise Tilapia in our garage, too? Yup, the fish. I’m serious. That was one of my husband’s ideas and I supported it no matter how cockamamie I thought it was at first. Good thing, too, because it’s turned into a helluva successful side venture for us. 

Whoda thunk it?

That’s what I mean by not poo-pooing the crazy ideas.
So when I said I wanted to write a book, my husband said “okay” and supported me. When my first book was complete, he was my marketing bull: head down, horns up, target in front of him. That target? Get my story out there! He posted it on so many websites and forums; I couldn’t keep track of them all. He busted his butt to help me share my story with the masses. For that, I will be forever grateful.

And now, it’s book by book, my friends. I plan to climb that ladder of success one chapter at a time.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Thank you for giving my books a chance. I’m just one teeny, tiny fish in the big book ocean, so my readers are special to me. Come to the bright side of the dark side, my friends. It doesn’t matter if I know you personally or not, I want to bring you into my world of chaos, battles and mad love. My door is always open and you are always welcome here.

Wow, I love her! Don't you? How about a snippet about her book?

Ruark may no longer be trapped in a cage and left in darkness, but he is far from being free - the bones in his very own body have become his new prison. Wrath pumps in his veins, and as the terrors of his past haunt him as much as the beast that resides within, the Druid struggles to find peace. He battles his own anguish, yet also feels an undeniable, metaphysical pull towards Rowan, his brother’s wife, which is an attraction that only spells further disaster. All seems lost, but when Ashlyn, a smart and beautiful Sidhe, sees her chance to redeem the man, she takes it and tries to show Ruark that he isn’t the monster he fears himself to be - but that doesn’t mean the beast inside him agrees. Will love be enough to calm the furious storm and save Ruark from an existence of rage and pain, or is he doomed to forever be the destructive monster he fears will threaten the existence of everyone around him?
You know you want to stalk (I mean follow) Brianna, and get her book; so here is some information so you can do that.

OK, do me a favor, you don't want to miss out on this giveaway! Head on over for some great prizes (I've entered too, you never know!) And check out Ama & Bemma's post here to see all the other wonderful people on the blog tour and more authors than you can shake a stick at.

The Blog Hosts

Arvening (Pinni)-www.arvenig.it/blog/
Ama et Bemma-amabemma.blogspot.com (tour organizer)

New Doodle Art Alley Book - Magical Geometrics - review coming soon

OK, so I'm a little obsessed, and that's OK. I have a passion for calm, and relaxing, and Doodle Art Alley and Samantha Snyder do it for me. I just got word that there is a new book coming out the very beginning of February, and I want you guys to keep an eye out for it. AND keep an eye out for my review of it and some others I have. (And no, I'm not getting paid to love them this much, it's just that they are that good.)

Doodle Art Alley Books
Samantha Snyder

Magical Geometrics Coloring Book shares 50 doodle art images printed on one side of the page for all ages to color. These geometrics have been organized from simple to more intricate so that you can design your own beautiful pictures from rectangles, curves, and other geometric shapes. Choose your color combinations and see what patterns they create. Let the magical designs take shape before your eyes. Experience greater focus, dedication, and patience that coloring can bring. Slow down and enjoy the colors and patterns coming to life in front of you. Take a deep breath, sit down, and color.

According to Samantha, “A quick glance at a doodle may show scribbles, random lines and shapes with no meaning or significance. However, with a little love and direction, these drawings have the potential to compete with some of the best artwork there is! Doodling is so much more than simply drawing on a post-it or unconsciously scribbling on your notebook paper during an especially boring lecture. With the right care and approach, beautiful pictures can be created. Geometric and abstract designs along with wonderfully detailed artwork can grow from one simple, single line. Even emotional and mental healing can stem from a tiny little mark. The ideas and creative pathways are endless.”

Explore the Magic of Doodle Art!

About Doodle Art Alley

Samantha Snyder has been doodling her whole life. While teaching elementary school, she often drew up coloring pages and printables for her students and fellow teachers. She decided to start sharing her creations and in 2008, Doodle Art Alley was founded. Doodle Art Alley is dedicated to giving those squiggly lines the proper credit they deserve. Who would have thought that such a small and simple idea could possess so much potential? There are lots of fun art activities, tips and information to read through and enjoy. Visit www.doodle-art-alley.com for hundreds of exciting doodles.


Author Interview with Linda Bloodworth

Ok, I'm a sucker for a awesome writer who needs a little push. I met Linda Bloodworth on G+ and thought that you guys might like to meet her and find out about who she is, and maybe take a look at her book.

So, why don't you sit back and enjoy our little conversation:

Page Turners: Ok, rather odd fact I read about you...you lie on your stomach while you write. Is that true? Is it difficult on a laptop? Or do you use pen/paper?

Linda: Yup, it’s very true. It’s the way I prefer to write. Growing up I did all my homework that way, which was written with pen/paper, but now as an adult I do everything on my laptop this way. Sitting at a desk for a long period of time annoys me. There’s nothing more comforting than working lying down. I realize this isn’t the norm, but hey, it works for me. 

Page Turners: Do you have a certain atmosphere that you need to be able to write?

Linda: I prefer to be alone, surrounded by my favourite trinkets that I can look at when I need to take a break from the screen. In my writing area I have a few porcelain green figures like: a bird, an elephant, and an ampersand. Green is my favourite colour it always gives me a sense peace.

Page Turners: Give me some insight on why you chose to write A Raven's Touch? Did it come to you in a dream? Did the little voices inside your head bug you until you wrote it? (That one is what happens to me.)
Linda: Funny you should say dream. I did have a dream, and when I woke up I wrote it down right way, and from a few sentences the story was born. I first wrote this story when I was in high school and now as an adult I re-wrote it. The only thing I’ve kept from the original story was the title and my main character’s first name; Justice. Everything else was totally different. My original story was more or less the ending of Sailor Moon season one. Mind you, I do have quite a few Sailor Moon references in the story. If you’re a fan you’ll see what I mean.

Page Turners: You self-published. What were your experiences? Did you find it hard? 
Linda: Self-publishing has been a journey indeed. The process of hitting publish/upload wasn’t all that bad, the indie community is incredibly supportive, and the friends I’ve made on Facebook are always willing to answer questions or provide a point of view that I may not have considered. The writing process was hard as hell. I had moments where I doubted myself, I re-wrote my book three times, and had a mini break down about it. However, it really showed me what it’s like to persevere and how to not give up. Even when I was having a craptastic day my husband, and online friends really gave me that pick me up to remember that I was on a mission to complete my dream.

Page Turners: What's the most challenging thing for you right now as a published author?
Linda: Definitely promotion. It’s very difficult to find the right formula of where to advertise, and finding the right audience to appreciate my book. My experience on twitter has been fruitful, but again, it’s different for everyone. 

Page Turners: An odd question that I like to ask since I'm a huge Bones fan Dr. Wells asked Bones the following question - Given the choice, would you rather be run over by one steamroller or by 1,000 mopeds? What would you choose?
Linda: Huh, that quite the question. I’ve never watched this show, but I’d have to go with a steamroller. At least you know what’s coming and that it’s all one blow versus 1,000 mopeds of uncertainty velocity and speed.

Page Turners: Everyone asks if you like chocolate or vanilla - but I'm going to ask if you like bacon or pepperoni? 

Linda: I don’t eat either of them. I’m more of a fruit girl.

Page Turners: Is there anything else you'd like to share with me, with my readers? We're all ears!
Linda: Some weird random facts about me: my second toe is larger than my first, I was born a leftie, but my mother made me change hands so I am ambidextrous, I’m anaphylactic allergic to kiwi and I found out the hard way, and I honest to goodness detest tea; I blame my mother for over-teaing me. 

Well, that was a great conversation. I was sorry to see her leave but if anyone wants to stalk, I mean check out any of Linda's contact information - here's how you can do it:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaBloodworthWriter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindaBloodworth
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+LindaBloodworth
Wordpress: https://lindabloodworth.wordpress.com/
Amazon:  http://amzn.to/1TI8OVq
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1MVpAek

Review: House of Ravens by Karpov Kinrade

Title: House of Ravens

Author: Karpov Kinrade


Publisher's Insight:

USA TODAY bestselling author Karpov Kinrade defied genre convention with Court of Nightfall. Now, they continue the epic saga of Scarlett Night, a rebel torn between two identities, in House of Ravens. 

You think you know the path to victory? Then tell me how you'll win. 

Will you buy triumph with gold and favors? Will you marshal armies and trade in blood? Or will you be the hand in the dark, your fingers on the strings? Whatever you decide, know this. If you put the innocent at risk… 

You will answer to me. 

I am the keeper of secrets and the teller of lies. I am the shadow of death and the bringer of light. I will become a Knight of the First. 

And the Orders will crumble. 


Oh, I shouldn't have done it, but I binged on two Karpov Kinrade books in a row. (I have so many wonderful reviews to give you guys!) I don't regret it at all, not one little bit, well maybe at the end of the book...

I love how the characters continue to grow in this book from the last.

Scarlett has learned some hard lessons, and has grown from them, really starting to fill out her wings (so to speak) and learning how the business of being the the one who leads must be done.

Jax grows from the mentality of a little boy (in my humble opinion) and into the thoughts of a man who needs to get things done, but in the right way, and in time. He realizes that not everything can be accomplished in one day, and in battle after battle. He picks his minor wars and then wins them hands down. I think he's becoming the politician that every person wants. Someone who will speak up for the little people, but does it in a positive way; without tearing down anyone and making them look bad. He shows by action what a good person should look like.

You meet some wonderfully lovable characters that make you want to be friends with them and just know that they are the "good guys" in the world of bad. Corine, Kai, and Wytt are the characters that stuck with me most. Siblings and friends, and just a little royal.

You meet some wonderfully unlovable characters. The characters that you love to hate. Thane and Garin. Denizens of pure evil, that you know are no good, but you hope will be knocked in the head to become more than they are and what they should be.

Overall this book gave me everything I want/need in a book. Great characters, wonderful book flow, and most of all, if you can make me bawl like a little baby, then you're a GREAT book.

Karpov Kinrade, my hats off to you. You're a great team. I can't wait to read more, as I'm binging some more on Night of Nyx right now.

I downloaded this book as a Kindle Unlimited title after reading House of Nightfall. I was not given any compensation for this review, it is all my honest opinion - because I want the best for my readers.


Review: Court of Nightfall by Karpov Kinrade

Title: Court of Nightfall

Author: Karpov Kinrade


Publisher's Insight:

Court of Nightfall is a thrilling and thought-provoking dystopian fantasy that blends together ancient myths, philosophical questions, and a futuristic world on the brink of destruction.

700 years after the Cataclysm, an event that nearly destroyed humanity, the Four Orders--Templar, Teutonic, Hospitaller, and Inquisition--rule all.

Scarlett Night, a color-blind girl, is a pleb, the lowest class of society, and she has never known a life without war. Driven by loss and a dream of hope, she seeks to join Castle Vianney, where she will train to become a Knight and work to change her corrupt government from within. But on her journey, she will become something else... something the world fears. And she will stop at nothing until the Orders have fallen.

This dark and exciting adventure is the first book in Karpov Kinrade's The Nightfall Chronicles.


OK, I have to preface this review with the fact that I detest dystopian fiction. Honestly hate it with a passion. Huger Games was something I just couldn't get into, and the movie was just horrible.

Let me explain. I don't personally like caste systems, and the horror that happens to the "lower class" in all dystopian fiction. It makes me want to hurl, and in most fiction the writing doesn't draw me in enough to want to continue reading the horrors of the masses.

Then came Court of Nightfall. I'm a member of the Dark Templars on Facebook. If you want to be a member too, CLICK HERE to fill out their form to be considered. And knowing the works of this author, I figured I'd give the dystopian thing a try, and they've swayed me.

Karpov Kinrade has blown me away. Granted there were still caste systems and horrible things happening to just normal everyday people, but they made me really care. The characters are written with such heart and soul that you believe that they can make a difference. You want to keep cheering them on from page to page, and chapter to chapter. And before you know it you're at the end of the book going, "WTF, I never saw that coming!"

They are able to weave webs finer than the best spider, and before you know it you're trapped and reading till the wee hours of the morning wanting to know if Scarlett is going to make a difference, if Jax is going to be there right beside her, and if the hope Scarlett holds so close to her heart is going to be enough. And each and every question is answered with a full attention to detail and a way that tugs at your heartstrings.

The authors have made dystopian fiction as readable as any beloved novel. One you'll want to come back to time and time again. Bravo, dear authors, bravo.

I received this product for free/at a discount in exchange for an honest review, but all opinions are my own. Most books are donated to the local library for circulation, or donation to the Friends of the Library. Since this book was an e-book, it will be deleted from my Kindle.