Title: A Magical Christmas on the Isle of Skye
Author: Jodie Homer
Publisher's Insight:
It takes a village to fall in love. Set in Scotland, on the Isle of Skye, we meet Harry and Emilia, who have always been best friends, well, until they complicated everything by sleeping together. Drunk and alone on New Year’s Eve, Emilia phones up the TV’s psychic and spills out all of her sorrows. When her friends propose to stay in a cabin in the middle of nowhere for Christmas, Emilia jumps at the chance, but the atmosphere quickly dampens when Harry announces his girlfriend will be joining them. What will happen to Harry and Emilia’s relationship when they discover the island is full of old myths and a time loop they just can’t escape from?
Groundhog's Day, eat your heart out.
What happens when best friends take it to the next level? That's the question of the day. But what happens when it doesn't work out the way they'd hoped it would? You end up with a cute little Christmas story that puts you in mind of the movie Groundhog's Day.
Harry and Emilia are such loveable characters that it's such as shame to see them struggle in this book. But complications abound when a time loop sucks them up into a hilarious series of unfortunate events. Will they be able to fix the time loop, or will they be stuck there for all time?
I will warn you, the narration has one character in which you'd rather rip your ears out than listen to her talk. But I'm not sure if it's the narrator herself, or if it's the character that I just couldn't stand (for that voice only... the rest of the voices were great.)
I received this audiobook for free in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to StoryOrigin and the author for this opportunity.
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