Title: Evangeline: The Seer of Wall St.
Author: Clint Adams
Publisher's Insight:
The stars are infallible; one's true destiny cannot be altered. Or can it?A descendant of presidents John and John Quincy Adams, and the black sheep of her family, astrologer Evangeline Adams flees provincial Boston in 1899 to launch her business in New York City. On the train ride, she casts her own horoscopic chart. Her findings--death on November 10, 1932 and an unusual intimate union--alarm her. Soon after, she meets actress and suffragist Emma Sheridan-Fry, and she spends the rest of her life torn between society's restrictions and the trail-blazing nature that made her one of the most prominent female businesswomen of her time. Peopled with real historical figures, including J.P. Morgan, King Edward VII, Enrico Caruso, Rudolph Valentino, Charles Schwab, Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, Sheridan-Fry (who was known to have been a "companion" of Evangeline's) and occult figure Aleister Crowley, Evangeline The Seer of Wall St. immerses readers in a New York populated with the Wall Street wealthy and the downtrodden, all of whom visited Evangeline's Carnegie Hall office.
Review: I really wanted to love this book. It had everything I wanted in a book. A bit of mystical whimsy and some amazing bits of true life. It was everything, yet it did nothing for me. It's such a sad day when I can't finish a book. I'm normally under the belief system that once you start a book you finish it, no matter what. But I just couldn't.
You can tell that Clint Adams is a highly intelligent man, and writes exceptionally well. But for a reader, such as I, I want to be taken on a journey that will help me escape. Unfortunately I found his wording to be a bit stiff and hard to read.
I was only able to get 1/4 of the way through the book before I stopped. I did however realize that Mr. Adams had quite beautifully woven his characters together. He's taken a lot of time and consideration into them and they are very real.
I wish that I could have loved this book more. Please don't take my word for what "is" about this book, for each person has their own take on a book. Download the sample of the book and decide for yourself.
I received this product for free/at a discount in exchange for an honest review, but all opinions are my own. Most books are donated to the local library for circulation, or donation to the Friends of the Library.